Happiest of Holidays in 2013!

holiday greetings

“Christmas renews our youth by stirring our wonder. The capacity for wonder has been called our most human faculty, for in it are born our art, our science, our religion.” ~ Ralph W. Sockman

Are you among the countless numbers that believe your years in college were the best years of your life?  This quote exemplifies the reason for that feeling. In college, we are still in our youth and have nothing but wonder for the future.   We are able to embrace that time because we are being taught- all the religion, art and science our brains can handle. And able to explore all the wonders that life holds, without the burden of careers, worries about money, and worries about every day life.  This holiday season, take time to reflect on the best days of your life and strive to relive them in this season of renewal and wonder!