Brother Paul Van Gasse ’06

Brother Paul Van Gasse ’06 takes pride in the fact that his class ‘re-booted’ the chapter and still gets a chuckle out of the fact that new members study his class’ names for AMC. After some great years in Delta Chi Michigan and making several lifelong friendships, Paul married his wife, Nikki, which he notes is one of his greatest accomplishments. Together, they had a son, Clay, who had a rough start but has since overcome. Click below for an interesting (and comical) Q&A with Paul.

Describe the fraternity as you remember it in your time frame.
My class re-booted the fraternity. It was small and we made it up as we went. The fraternity and its values reflected the handful of AM’s we started with. I really liked those guys, so our fraternity was a good place to be. We were diverse, tolerant and different from the other fraternities.

What are you fondest memories of being a Delta Chi at Michigan?
I really enjoyed living in the house during my junior and senior years. When you live in the house, the fraternity becomes a big part of your life. It’s pretty much what you do when you’re not studying.

Do you remember any incidents / funny stories from your DX days?
Craig Poirier ’07, one of my best friends to this day, was the cause of so many incidents that cannot nor should not ever be published.

Did you live in the house? Who were your roommates?
Yes, junior and senior years. My room consisted of a mattress on the floor and giant desktop computer on a coffee table. Since we were so small I did not have any roommates.

Did you have a nickname and if so, how did you get it?
Freshman year, about the time when we hatched the plan to start a fraternity, my to-be brothers were calling me “Cheems” (pronounced Keems) since my short-buzzed hair made me look like I was sickly—mature, right?

What about your membership in Delta Chi makes you the most proud?
The fact that it’s still there, and that they’re building a new house ensuring our legacy will continue. I recently met some of the brothers and I guess they study our names as part of AMC. That cracks me up.

Do you stay in touch with any of your Delta Chi brothers? Who?
Yes, I live in the Bay Area in California, where I stay in touch with Andy Yen ’06, another founding father at Michigan, who is about to be married by the way! I also travel to Michigan annually and see Matt Williams ’06, Patrick Forrest ’06, Andy Rolph ’08 and more. I stay in touch with Craig Poirier in Austin as well.

What was your undergraduate degree? What was the first job you took after college?
I graduated with a BA in Mechanical Engineering. My first job was as a design engineer for Xerox working on office printers.

Who all have you worked for?
Xerox for seven years. Amazon Lab126 for three years.

Where have you lived?
Portland, OR and Sunnyvale, CA.

Tell us about your family and interests
I got married to my wife, Nikki, four years ago. She works as a finance manager for Our son, Clay, just turned one year old.

Hobbies you have?
I enjoy fitness, Crossfit and Obstacle Course Racing. I like the outdoors and have been trying to visit all of California’s many national parks. I really like cars and have taken to open track days at my local tracks including Laguna Seca. I enjoy travelling. Besides that, my wife and son take up most of my free time.

Any illnesses you might like to mention or share?
My son was born with congenital hyperinsulinism and hypoglycemia and had a really rough start, with a long hospital stay and a long period of medication to keep his metabolism in check. His condition proved transient and has since subsided, so I’m proud to say he’s a happy healthy boy.

What would you say are your life’s biggest successes?
Meeting and marrying my wife, designing some cool products and trying to be a positive impact on those around me.

On the contrary, what would you say are your biggest failures or regrets? What did you learn from it?
I regret having to move so many times and leave behind some good friends. I’ve had a hard time keeping in touch with some old friends and hope to continue to keep in touch with my fraternity brothers. I’m trying to make a more permanent home so my son can have lifelong friends.

What advice would you give the younger Delta Chi members?
Don’t drink too much. Practice safe sex. Burritos are not a food group.

What do you want people to remember about you 50 years from now?
That I was interesting.

Would you like to mention your business for anyone that might be searching for your product, expertise, or just information to help a Brother out with?
Amazon Lab126 designs and builds all Amazon-branded consumer electronics including Kindles, Fire Tablets, FireTV, Fire TV Stick, Echo, Dash Button and others. I specifically work on accessories most recently having designed a keyboard accessory for Amazon Fire Tablets.

Any brothers who wish to reach out to Paul can do so by email: [email protected]