The Delta Chi Special Exception Use and Site Plan Project was reviewed at the July 1 meeting of the Ann Arbor City Planning Committee. Staff gave an overview and approval without contingencies for the project. The Planning Commission, after hearing all interested persons (there were none in attendance at 11 pm) and reviewing all relevant information, found the petition to substantially meet the standards and therefore approved, by a vote of 9-0, the Delta Chi Special Exception Use for a fraternity, subject to building occupancy of no more than 34 persons including the resident manager. Note: this resident manager can be anyone in the house and it does not have to be a paid position.
Final approval must come from the City Council at its regular meeting late July or early August. This approval of the site plan is essentially a “green light” for the project as far as the City is concerned, as Council approval is usually follows without issue once the Planning Commission approves the plan. John Levinson and Alpha Design Team did an excellent job negotiating with the planning staffers for the past six months to get the design accepted by all the City departments. They are to be thanked and congratulated!
Funding pledges stand at $631,000. We hope this site plan approval plus Dan Maher’s very effective work in obtaining federal tax deductibility for gifts of $10,000 or greater via the DX Educational Foundation will provide the incentive for the remaining 400 brothers that have not yet pledged to join with the 54 that have. NOW is the time, brothers, to donate the remaining required $370K. We must complete this project to provide a new chapter house for future Delta Chis as other did for us. It’s only fair!
Thank you to everyone for their donations and hard work to date!!
Howard Gandelot ’64, Team Leader,
Alumni Association’s New Chapter House Campaign Team
[email protected] 912-655-4651