Happy New Year, Brothers in the Bond!
Let me ask you something… do you read these eDelts when they come out?
If so… why?
If not… why not?
(Drop us a note and let us know… we really would like to know your answers!)
I’ve got a theory that says that many of you ignore these newsletters because you think the only reason we send them is to raise money.
You may think that we just use the updates about the current membership, or alumni updates just to suck you in so you’ll make a donation to the House, the Fraternity in general, or whatever project seems to be in play.
I can assure you… that is not why the group of alumni who meet monthly and come up with article ideas do this.
We do it to maintain our connections… with our alumni brothers of all these many years… and with our current group of actives.
We are devoted to the Bond.
Go back over the eDelt issues of the last few years and look again at what predominates… articles are about the people (i.e. our Brothers in Michigan Delta Chi).
I love reading the Alumni Updates that are based on the information you send to us. Even if it is just a short paragraph or two, it helps me feel connected.
I really enjoy reading articles like the one that Frank Morrey (“F” to all of us) wrote for this issue… telling us about where he came from, how he got into Michigan Delta Chi, who he hung around with, and some of his experiences while at Michigan.
And then getting an update on what his life has been like over the years since he graduated and, most importantly, what his life is like today tops it all off.
I wasn’t in Delta Chi when Frank was, but I was lucky enough to get to know him well during his periodic drop-ins while I was there in the late 70s. But as well as I’ve known him, I learned things about him in that new article.
We have a fascinating collection of alumni… each of you with your own unique story… and I’d love to read them!
I also like to hear about what is happening at Delta Chi today.
Let me tell you… it is a completely different experience for today’s actives than it was when most of us were there.
What a change from the days of the old House, where we were looking strong if we had the 24 or so actives needed each year just to fill the place.
Today, there are 34 Members living in the Chapter House (it is at full capacity) and all of them are Sophomores in standing.
The Total Chapter membership fluctuates around 100 +/-!!! (THE largest membership number of any Fraternity on Campus)
And many of them room together in various houses around Ann Arbor.
They brought in 25 Associate Members (Pledges in the old days) for the Fall 2022 class, and they anticipate 10 more for the Winter 2023 Associate class!
My pledge class in the fall of 1976 was an almost-unheard-of group of 10… and we thought that was HUGE!
In-house GPA generally runs above 3.0 on average. Could you say the same for your time in Delta Chi?
And back in the “old days”… we had a live-in cook (our beloved John Henry Russell).
Today, the Brothers decided the best solution for them was to have a meal plan with a non-resident chef.
The Chapter, as always, remains very active in intramural sports.
Philanthropy projects are also of great importance to the Actives. They regularly contribute to the Jimmy V fund, as well as many others that they choose.
Oh yeah… they still have parties, too… most often in the basement, a space much greater in size than we had previously.
And they do all that while still maintaining that 3.0 + GPA).
I love hearing that!
Now I’m not saying you won’t see some fundraising going on… there is always something that needs fixing or some other project or priority that the Actives need help with (expanded WiFi services, picnic tables, etc., for example).
But that isn’t the emphasis in any issue… YOU ARE!
With all that said, I hope you realize why we send these… to build and/or rebuild the Bond we all pledged to so many years ago.
So please, read the articles… send us your updates… write an article if you have a great story to tell… (and yes, donate if you see fit),
But remember, the eDelt has always been, and will remain, dedicated to telling the stories of the Men of the Michigan Chapter of Delta Chi… and all the Brothers who have passed through the old or new doors of 1705 Hill Street.
May you have a happy and prosperous 2023!
In the Bond,