Our Legacy in Pictures: Project to Collect and Restore Yearly Composites

by Keith Hellems

A group of Delta Chis have undertaken an effort to track down original copies of our annual composites for the purpose of restoring them for permanent display in the new house.

Over the years, many original composites were removed by brothers who wanted to protect them from damage. Do you have an original composite? Do you have a smaller-sized composite that you purchased as a keepsake? Do you know someone who does? If so, contact me. My information is at the end of this article. I would like to collect your originals, repair them if necessary, and digitize them. I promise to return composites to you promptly.

The next step we’re taking on this project is to make a comprehensive list of all officers throughout our history, including president, VP, treasurer, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, sergeant at arms, member at large, alumni representative, BBT president, chef and dog. I have already collected a growing list and am eager to fill in the blanks. You can view the list HERE, and send along any additional information.

In addition to composites, we’d like to collects as many skins and paddles as we can find. Again, many of these we’re taken by brothers over the years in order to insure their survival.   We are now soliciting their return for the new fraternity house.

Thanks to all the brothers who are currently helping with the project, and thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

You can reach me at:

703-273-1577 (home)

540-878-6661. (cell)

[email protected]

Mail composites to:

Keith Hellems

3928 Rust Hill Place

Fairfax, VA 22030